Complete water treatment system from 50 up to 1000 e.i.
How does the AiRBC operates?
This water treatment system consists in an standard set for municipal waste water treatment (or assimilable). The system presents the advantage to be modular and permits to be adapted easily to any biodegradable waste water. The system uses the Rotating Biological Contactor. Two separated stages are operating simoultaneously : the emerged part of the biodiscs permits the biology to breath, the immerged part permits the biology to eat and destruct pollution.
AiRBC system
Who is the AiRBC destined to?
The use of an AiRBC presents the advantage to be compact while having an excellent quality of epuration. The process uses a fixed rotating biology which permits to manage high flows differences keeping the microbiology inside the system. The AiRBC system find its place in water treatment of small municipalities (variable flow), hotels (variable flow, lack of space), motorway service areas (variable flow, lack of space),...
More generally, the process can be used for WWTP smaller than 1000 e.i.
The epuration concept includes two parts :
- Biological reactor
- Liquid-Solid separator: Kamps can propose different alternatives for this second part: Lamella separator, drums filter, membrane filtration
Biological reactor
The biological reactor of type RBC (Rotating Biological Conctacor) permits continously to operate while ensuring the bests epurations results. The fixed biology on biodiscs is a major asset for installation designed to treat big flow variations.
The compactness of the system permits to install it in any landscape without harming the vue. The installation can even be burried so that only the top of the tank stays visible.
The tank matching the shape can be built in GRP, steel, stainless steel or concrete (or any other material) at demand of the customer.
The system turns at very low RPM, energy consumption is thus very low. Moreover, a low speed system involve barely no wearing parts
Liquid-Solid Separation
Filtering drum
Filtration cloths disposed on a drum, the water flows through the stainless steel cloth or textile fiber like OPTIFIBER
Lamella separator
By increasing the decantation surface we can increase the separation efficiency. It is easy to reduce the dimension of the separator by adding lamellas.
Ultra-filtration membranes
Water is sucked through the membranes while filtering at 0.04 µm, which don't let bacteries go through. Rejected water is according to swimming water quality standard. This solution suits perfectly to water reuse (irrigation, swimming, cleaning,...)